The Weatherization Assistance Program: A Program That Works

This is a nine- minute DVD about the Weatherization Assistance Program. This DVD can be used as a public relations tool to accurately educate people about the nature and purpose of the program. We have specifically focused on the work in the field to highlight the fact that weatherizing a home is hard, gritty work that requires a sophisticated and technical diagnostic and building science approach. We make the point that not just anyone can weatherize a home. It requires training, experience, and the proper equipment. Basic information is given about program qualifications and structure but the emphasis is on the difficulty and sophistication of the work itself and how these measures and applications make a difference.

This DVD has been designed to be viewed by anyone who is interested in learning more about the program – what it really is and what it really does. This includes program staff, crews, new hires, agency Board of Directors, the media, legislators, contractors, community groups and organizations, and clients. The DVD is short and to the point, highly visual, and professionally produced. Use it in all of those situations where a clear understanding of the program is necessary.

You can purchase this DVD by filling out the order form and either faxing it to 540-745-2839 or e-mailing it to . Shipping is free and a Purchase Order # is required for orders of ten or more. Checks may be made out to AECP and mailed to:

PO Box 152
Floyd, VA 24091

If you have any questions please call 540-745-2838 or e-mail